Essays and exhortations. 


Fire and death. The slave society of the modern West is stifling. I care not for assertions of fortune, are we so fortunate? To be slaves to comfort? 

“You wouldn’t even be able to write about this if it weren’t for all our conveniences” 

Would I not? If it weren’t for all our prison infrastructure no one would have any time for philosophy or a good life? Laughable. Those who invented philosophy would look down on us as a race of slaves who willingly shackle ourselves. 

I don’t care about the common man or the greater good. I care about blood and iron. Victory and death. There is a never-ending list of distractions from this. The modern world is a massive stockyard for human cattle. 

Domesticated. A modern man, all he does is work on his domicile, clean up, and go to buy cheap garbage to please his nagging wife. This is the basic state of man. A slave to domestic duties in his hovel. 

A few peoples in history have managed to break free of this state. Warriors, men who by spearpoint took what they needed and tolerated no domestic enslavement. The average man was their servant, his domestic obsession and servitude to his women and his grain fed his master’s war horses. And when this servant is given more wealth and freedom than he has ever known? He constructs a more elaborate cage. 

And why wouldn’t they? This is who they are, who their ancestors have been, scraping out a passive life of safety and fear.

This society is built for the enslaved. It works by force to punish the man who would be free; even its warriors are kept on a tight leash. 

Longing for the freedom of raiding and roving, they are cajoled and pestered into falling in line. Many forget their innate wildness and love of freedom, but some will not let the flame be extinguished. 

They pursue greatness and bold deeds, and will not let themselves fall prey to the pitfalls of the age. They know themselves, and do for themselves. They loathe normality and the state of common being, and will not stoop to fulfill the desires of others. 

They do not marry for the sake of it, but if they do they choose their wives carefully  and for true passion. This alone sets them apart, to choose for themselves, rather than loping along letting life happen to them. 

Always the flame, the rage, the desire to destroy the world as it is and make it kneel before them. Take what they want, and answer to no one. 

Blood, fire, and death. Freedom, love, and ecstasy. 



I would not rate a man worth mention or account either for speed of foot or wrestling skill, not even if he had a Cyclop's size and strength or could outrun the fierce north wind of Thrace; I would not care if he surpassed Tithonus's looks, or Cinyras's or Midas's famous wealth, or were more royal than Pelops son of Tantalus, or had Adrastus's smooth persuasive tongue, or fame for everything save only valor; no, no man is of high regard in time of war unless he can endure the sight of blood and death, and stand close to the enemy, and fight. This is the highest worth, the finest human prize and fairest for a bold young man to win.


This is for men of the warrior class. 

Others may find it disturbing. 

Contemplate this; driving your thumb into the eye of an enemy, feeling the viscous liquid as the sclera pops, hear his screams of pain in your ears. His cries to family and God. See the twisted terror in his face, the writhing of his body under yours. You are killing him. 

Hold this in your mind in as much detail as possible, note what feelings you have, of regret, fear, pity. Let them wash away. Make your face a bronze mask of tranquility. Do this until you do not react. 

The aim of this practice is not to become a soulless beast, but to undertake the mental and spiritual training required to kill and die without hesitation. Informed by warriors of the past whose experience in personal violence is beyond reproach. 

A warrior must not hesitate to use the greatest violence possible to overwhelm his foe. Take this passage from Hagakure:

Yamamoto Kichizaemon was ordered by his father Jin’-emon to cut down a dog at the age of five, and at the age of fifteen he was made to execute a criminal. Everyone, by the time they were fourteen or fifteen, was ordered to do a beheading without fail. When Lord Katsushige was young, he was ordered by Lord Naoshige to practice killing with a sword. It is said that at that  time he was made to cut down more than ten men successively. 

A long time ago this practice was followed, especially in the upper classes, but today even the children of the lower classes perform no executions, and this is extreme negligence. To say that one can do without this sort of thing, or that there is no merit in killing a condemned man, or that it is a crime, or that it is defiling, is to make excuses. In short, can it not be thought that because a person’s martial valor is weak, his attitude is only that of trimming his nails and being attractive? 

If one investigates into the spirit of a man who finds these things disagreeable, one sees that this person gives himself over to cleverness and excuse making not to kill because he feels unnerved. But Naoshige made it his orders exactly because this is something that must be done. Last year I went to the Kase Execution Grounds to try my hand at beheading, and I found it to be an extremely good feeling. To think that it is unnerving is a symptom of cowardice.

He can harbor no anxiety about killing. A soldier can kill, even a farmer can if he must, but they might hesitate; wavering at the point of action. A warrior cannot hesitate. 

The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight, and the only reason a warrior fights is to win.

-Miyamoto Musashi

He does not crave killing for its own sake, or necessarily derive pleasure from it, but when he must he acts with the emotionless violence of a wild beast.

He is brutal; “Direct and lacking any attempt to disguise unpleasantness. Savagely violent.” We are not bred this way, but it can be trained. Recall the example of being made to slaughter beasts. A warrior hunts for this reason. To face death regularly and without emotion. 

A warrior’s trade is death, of his enemies and his own. To pretend otherwise is foolish. In her study of ancient Germanic warrior culture: The One-eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-) Germanic Männerbünde, Kershaw relates, “the warrior cult is part of the cult of the dead, the warriors themselves are Totendämonen” (Kershaw, 429)  they are part of a “Totenkult” (Kershaw, 435). 

Think of this often. Hold in your mind in as much detail as possible scenarios of yourself killing an enemy. See what emotions you feel and watch them dissipate as you grow more brutal, calm amid a storm of violence. 

Imagine also yourself being wounded or killed, face this with the same tranquility. Imagine your death in grisly detail, feel the pain of steel rending your flesh and shattering your bones. Let the fear and anxiety pass. A warrior does not fear being wounded or slain, and if he does he is more likely to wind up that way than if he accepts death and charges in with grim determination. You are already dead. Accept this. 

Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day when one’s body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears and swords, being carried away by surging waves, being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease or committing seppuku at the death of one’s master. And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead. 


This is the significance of the Death’s Head for a warrior, the memento mori. Accipito mori. You will accept death, and fight as one already dead; without fear. 

A person who does not want to be struck by the enemy's arrows will have no divine protection. For a man who does not wish to be hit by the arrows of a common soldier, but rather by those of a warrior of fame, there will be the protection for which he has asked.


A warrior lives for a second of brilliant action, a synthesis of body and spirit where he becomes lightning, an unstoppable bolt of focused energy. The conscious mind is an obstacle to this. He must act instinctually. Brutally. 

Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood. 


This is why he trains so diligently. This is his discipline. This is his art, his ‘Do’ his way. Just as a musician must practice for hours, alone, suffering over scales and repetitions, so a warrior drills with his body and his mind. He takes what was conscious and makes it instinct.  

The world is full of distractions from the way, since most do not (and could not) live by it. Pay them as little mind as possible. The more time a warrior focuses on training his mind and body he finds deeper tranquility and harmony within himself and greater poetry in his life. 

Sharpening the mind, like a blade, takes many passes of the whetstone. Whenever you find a quiet moment, contemplate some aspect of your profession and your way. The values of visualization need not be given here, but the results will reveal themselves. 

This is a warrior’s meditation. Do not empty your mind, concentrate it on action. See yourself training with weapons in as much detail as you can. Repeat over and over the basic drills in your mind. Contemplate killing, contemplate death. 

You may only be able to focus for brief spurts at first, denizens as we all are to a world of constant distraction. It is no different from any other training, small incremental improvements will become massive in due time. Cultivate the garden of your discipline with patience and its flowers will bloom. 

Brutality. Violence. Blood and bile pouring from rent guts. Vile stink and looks of terror in the eyes of your enemy. A bullet or blade strikes you in turn and destroys your arm, blood and marrow spill out of your shattered bones. This must be faced without emotion, as if one were watching the water of a winding stream. 

There was a video going around of a Ukrainian soldier engaging a Siberian-Russian soldier in hand-to-hand fighting. This is a grave moment due the highest respect, which watching and discussing like a news piece feels shameful. All there is to be said is that they treat each other with honor once the fight is over, while one man lays dying. This is as integral to the warrior as his skill at arms and his readiness for death. Look for this in ancient writings and never forget the honor due a defeated foe. 

Think on this often. Seek out further examples, read ancient warrior texts. This is a warrior’s meditation.

The Device

I loathe my smartphone. An audit of the hours in my day would say otherwise. I would destroy it and trade it in for a Nokia if it were not so insidiously enmeshed in my life. Work, social life, banking, travel; it is increasingly difficult to do any of these things without a smartphone (which is constantly monitoring you on behalf of the state, by the way). Even Mr. LaFond, who is fortunate enough to eschew the damned device, relies on others who use them for publishing and web related purposes. We have so completely enslaved ourselves to The Device that I doubt many would be able to survive without them. What is to be done?

They are not going away, soon anyway, and living without one requires an almost complete exit from society. This is no doubt attractive to some, less so to others with ambitions of conquering some small part of this decrepit civilization. This is for the latter, those who for whatever reason have to move and interact within society at large, and thus must carry the scrying mirror of the Great Eye with them. 

The power of the smartphone is great, imagine what heroes of the past could have accomplished with instant communication over vast distances. The power of the Gods contained in your hand. Connection to others who you otherwise would never have met, the spread of knowledge and networks, this is what men of power do with this capability. 

The smartphone is a tool, and like any tool it can be used well or poorly, to benefit the user or destroy them. It is like the Palantír from The Lord of the Rings; offering great power and insight to its master but requiring an equal amount of will to use it without being overcome. This is how it must be treated. 

A careful cultivation of the will is necessary to wield this tool effectively (a cultivation which any person of strength is likely undergoing already). Those without such strength or will are easily overcome, we see it all around us. Slaves to The Algorithm, they stare at their screen and are mesmerized by the conjurings within. Many who are otherwise possessed of great will have no doubt experienced this as well, pulling themselves away as if from a trance. 

Cursing ourselves doesn’t help. The adversary is powerful and cunning, and works tirelessly to absorb your strength and your time, to weave their webs further into your life. Of course we are ultimately responsible for our actions, but we must recognize the strength of the foe we contend with. Recognizing this and setting ourselves against Them, rather than against ourselves, is the first step. 

Then we must be brutal. Greedy with our own time. Decisive with our usage. “What am I using this to accomplish right now” is a simple question but will act as a guardrail for your attention. Anything we find that does not benefit us, that merely wishes for more of our time will be cut out mercilessly. Timers are a message we send from our strongest mind to shock us out of the clutches of the coddling screen. 

“Is this edifying, will this bring me strength or am I merely rotting away my gifted hours?” Is another powerful mind-centering spell. James LaFond’s website is a boon, and even the likes of social media sites can bring us strength and resolve, if we are ruthlessly discerning with our usage. The man of taste is now more defined by what he ignores than what he knows. 

The final message we must always remember is “I am being watched, always”. This matters more for some, but it is true for all. There are ways to mitigate this, and I highly recommend looking into personal OPSEC for the technologically inclined. Remember that they have used the pings of a cell phone to launch precision missiles. They will use it against you. 

Yet if we are strong, if we cultivate the resolve within ourselves to resist the tricks of the enemy, we may use these tools to do great things. None of our ancestors ever faced a foe this cunning, able to penetrate into the mind and bend the will with such precision. So we must be stronger, and develop for ourselves the will to overcome, to be above the slaves who fall prey to The Device, and to become its master and dominator.


How do you go on when you have so strayed from who you want to be. Where do you find worth when you have become worthless. Religion would be very convenient. The human soul cannot forgive betrayal. Maybe God can, but there is a point of no return with man.


“The Hour-Hand of Life --- Life consists of rare, isolated moments of the greatest significance, and of innumerably many intervals, during which at best the silhouettes of those moments hover about us. Love, springtime, every beautiful melody, mountains, the moon, the sea – all these speak completely to the heart but once, if in fact they ever do get a chance to speak completely. For many men do not have those moments at all, and are themselves intervals and intermissions in the symphony of real life.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, all too Human


These isolated moments define the lives of those who experience them. Moments of significance, critical decisions which will determine the trajectory of a life. Points of no return. There is nothing we can do once we have crossed the threshold of these decisions onto the new path, the way behind is shut forever. These moments cannot be avoided, putting them off only magnifies their magnitude.


So what can you do once you you’ve passed onto a path you didn’t want, or say you didn’t. “Say” here meaning that if you truly didn’t want it, you would have not made the decision that led there. So even if it is far from where you wished to go, you clearly did not hate it so much. Or merely lacked the strength to say so.


There is no coming back. This path is your life forever. You have to go on from here. To take one step after another as this person who you may hate. You can do everything in the world to change, to make right what you may have done, but you will never not be the person who made that choice. This weight is yours to bear forever.


We are teetering over a precipice. These significant moments may turn you into an interval at any time. An afterthought. A write-off. You have become someone without principle, without honor, no matter how much you change you will always be thus. You may keep secret your past doings, but once they are known their stain will return. To maintain significance requires constant struggle and the will to do what is right and be true to oneself always; this is what makes the heroic. To become an interval requires betrayal of oneself and the indulgence of the weakest parts, a grotesquely normal and easy thing to do. Regular. Unremarkable. Base. Crass.


Once this threshold is passed there is little hope of returning. Or is there? Feeling sorry for oneself is the lowest form of narcissism. But it may be that at a point all one can do is dedicate their life to helping others as their chance has passed them by. One may even metaphorically end their life, destroy their old self and begin anew. Possessions thrown out, working in isolation dedicated totally to improving the world, and yet always the mark of past deeds will remain.


What do you do when you’ve so betrayed yourself and those who you respect you see no way of regaining your honor? What do you do? What is there to do? Immolation, destruction, the Samurai’s method of retaining dignity through a supreme act of will, prayer, repentance?


Religion would be very convenient.


Forgiveness will not absolve you from the weight of your deeds.


There is only the terrible agony of life before you branded by the choices you’ve made. Step by step on the path you laid for yourself seeking to get back to where you want to be, to who you want to be. This may not be possible. There may be too much damage done. Never pity yourself. Man is the most foolish animal, for he wails and bemoans his lot, even when none but himself have led him there. He will curse himself for a liar and in the same breath lie, feeling sorry that he did so.


Regret too is foolish; the way back is shut. Wishing, hoping, and cursing are all wastes of time. Escapes from the brutal truth of reality. Only when we face the world truly as it is do we live bravely. Every hideous fact of life must be embraced like crawling over razor-wire. To look at what we’ve done with no attempt at rationalization or excuse, to see ourselves for the beasts that we are.


“We don’t live in a just world, we just live in a world.”

-Paul Waggener


Sometimes we are the agents of injustice in this world despite our opinions of ourselves. There can be no surprise, no asking how this could have happened, when the choice was made. That is how it happened.


March forward into the grim truth of the world without hope of forgiveness or wishing for change and perhaps the way will come back to you. Perhaps. You may even become something like who you once wished to be. But you will never be the person who did not make the choice. You have killed that version of yourself. You have no choice but to go on living, with not an ounce of sympathy for yourself. Only brutal acceptance and adherence to truth and honor. You may never be absolved, but you may yet impact the world. Even for good, if you have what it takes.


There is an empty pedestal in the park blocks of Portland, Oregon where a statue of Teddy Roosevelt once stood. On it is inscribed: “Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Rider”. There used to be an equestrian statue of Teddy on it, riding erect and proud in his uniform atop a noble steed. It was torn down in 2020, during the “Indigenous day of rage” protests. 

Why was it toppled? The easy answer is because it was there, and the mob needed something to destroy. Maybe it was his comments on and policies regarding natives, although the fact that “slave owner” has since been graffitied onto the pedestal calls their historical literacy into question. Maybe it was something deeper. 

Beneath the inscription of Teddy’s name there is a plaque which reads:


Who can read this and not be humbled and inspired? Who can ask more of anyone than to realize their own faults and make it their life’s work to correct and overcome them? To face life head on with courage and honor? This is a brief biography of a complex man, but nevertheless an inspiring portrait. Statuary can only be partial, a single moment of a great life made eternal. 

The subject of their ire speaks volumes about those who defaced this monument. To hate that which is great, which asks, nay demands the best of you. That is the feeling of small, mean minds. Teddy on his horse soars with the triumph of the human soul, the potential to which we’re called, and which the protestors gave up on. 

Anything or anyone which puts the responsibility for their station in their hands is unacceptable, because it reminds them of what they could have been but chose not to be. They exist in a culture of ‘self love’ expressed as self acceptance. Not the harsh real love that Teddy had for his men or his country, a love that demands something of you. It is self neglect, self spoiling. A child who is never told “no”. 

It is too much then, to see an image of a man so proud, so noble, standing defiant against the challenges of life. For those who have surrendered hate nothing more than a reminder of their own capitulation. Why be strong when you can be weak? Why have courage when you can be timid? Why have virtue when you can have apathy? It is easy, and it is what they did. Living small lives, unworthy of remembrance. That is what they hate most of all. 

That anyone should be worthy of a monument is unacceptable, because they are not. So they search and seethe for any failure (by modern standards of course), any mistake, pulling down men who dwarf them in spirit and character and say “See! See! He was not perfect!” as if this is some major revelation. To have flaws is to be human, but to do great things in spite of mere humanity makes you a hero, and heroes deserve monuments. 

We should all aspire to be monumental. To live lives and do deeds worth commemoration. Life is not meant to be lived merely to “be”. We must become. Become who we can be, who we dream of being. We must strive to positively impact the world however we can, while making ourselves heroes of character and spirit. 

Mean souls will always seek to tear down those of stature, but if enough remain to imitate and admire the heroes who went before, we will build new heroes worthy of new monuments. 

Great souls build others up, they make others feel that they too can be great. 



I am in the Zone all the time. 

There is no one coming to save you. 

In life we are ultimately alone. You are the only one who can act on your behalf. Social, familial and community ties provide encouragement and consequences for us to act a certain way. But in the end it is only us who can decide what we will do, and us alone who can do it. 

Free will exists, but some have more of it than others. That is to say that some have a more powerful grip on themselves or do not allow obligations or society to exercise such a strong grip over them. The temptation to allow the community to guide one’s life and actions is overwhelming for many, it is just so easy. Even those with a strong spirit often follow these paths out of convenience or personal weakness. 

The ability to rule oneself ennobles man above anything. No one is going to help you. You are in the Zone and only you decide how you will respond. “The Zone” refers to a colloquial name given by prisoners of the gulag system in the USSR to the area in which their brutal violent imprisonment occurred. I use this to refer to the modern world, more specifically the material world of the west. This “Zone” is much less violent and harsh, but it is infinitely more insidious and corrupting. 

Constantly whispering sweetly in your ear to take the easy path, to relax, to indulge. It is a vicious fight against the neverending encouragement to comfort. I have failed many times, and I know many great men who have failed too. No one is there to save you from slipping slowly into an easy doom. 

One can ward themselves, good friends of strong character can encourage, inspire, and even intervene when troubles come but they cannot do it for you. The individual acts alone of their own will. Good friends should be sought and kept to stoke the fire, a lone branch may be broken but a bundle is robust. Yet if you truly surrender to weakness and comfort they cannot save you. There is no one coming to save you. 

When you are alone. When there is no one watching and no obligation to resist the sweet gentle comfort. This is the Zone. Instead of violence and starvation it is a slow and easy descent into numb suffering. A constant agony kept dull with a trickle of pleasure. If the pain was too sharp or the pleasure too euphoric it might break the cycle and drive action. But with both just enough to drive the other, pain to seek the pleasure and pleasure to numb the pain, they can drag even the strongest down into desensitized despair. 

No amount of outside pressure can completely protect from this, the agency of the individual is supreme. There is no one else. There is nowhere else. The Zone is everywhere. It does not need walls because you build the walls yourself. Every instance of giving in adds another stone to keep you in. 

Resistance is possible. You have to resist. You must never surrender. There will be mistakes. Major failures, great pain and suffering and defeats but there is no other option than to keep fighting for yourself. There is no one coming to save you. Remember where you are and act accordingly. Lash out with rage and hatred, dig deep to find the strength to act. I am in the Zone all the time. Always weary, always ready. Rising from defeats with doubled efforts and determination. I will fail again, but I will never surrender.

Victory over this malaise of comfort-wrapped-despair is in extremes. Terrible highs and devastating lows. Real feeling, real life, in its raw and brutal reality. Seek out these extremes by any means necessary, and take heart in defeat knowing that you alone are responsible for your fate. No surrender, no quarter, no support. Victory lies within.